The deadline for paper abstract submissions passed, and no submission
will be accepted. (4 September 2020)
Submission Guidelines
We are pleased to invite researchers and graduate students to submit paper abstracts for the IVR Japan International Workshop 2020 (IVRJW 2020) to be held online. Papers on any topics in the areas of legal philosophy, moral philosophy, political philosophy, and applied ethics in a broad sense are welcome. The official language is English.
Authors are invited to submit their paper abstracts through the EasyChair submission system. Please create an EasyChair account and fill in the submission form no later than the 31st of August 2020. Each participant can submit one paper abstract at maximum, whether single-authored or coauthored. In our provisional time framework, a presenter is requested to make a presentation within 20 minutes, followed by discussion in 10 minutes. Please note that the presentation time might be adjusted, depending on the number of presenters in a session.
All submitters will receive the notice of paper abstract selection by September 30th, 2020. All accepted proposals will be posted in the workshop’s website a few weeks before the event.